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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69473 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
The transgender community has experienced a rise in cultural visibility in recent decades. While some of this attention is welcome, even necessary, to gain full acceptance into mainstream society, it has also brought resistance in certain quarters.
The transgender community has experienced a rise in cultural visibility in recent decades. While some of this attention is welcome, even necessary, to gain full acceptance into mainstream society, it has also brought resistance in certain quarters.
Though the "Don't know/not sure" respondents weren't counted in her study, it's important to note that being transgender and one's gender identification is often fluid for many people, which might actually explain why the number of "Don't know/not sure" respondents is larger than the combined total of respondents who indicated that they are transgender.
Though the "Don't know/not sure" respondents weren't counted in her study, it's important to note that being transgender and one's gender identification is often fluid for many people, which might actually explain why the number of "Don't know/not sure" respondents is larger than the combined total of respondents who indicated that they are transgender.
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