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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69468 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
There are now 13 vaccines in phase 3 clinical trials and seven approved for limited use. Still, none have been approved for full use, but that could change very soon. The biggest vaccine news this week was that the U.K. granted emergency authorization for Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine, making it the first country in the West to approve a vaccine for mass inoculation during this pandemic. (Russia and China have done so, but their approval processes are significantly less stringent.) The first doses will be rolled out next week to doctors and nurses with the National Health Service as well as nursing home workers and adults aged 80 and over who had previously scheduled doctors’ appointments, reports the New York Times.
There are now 13 vaccines in phase 3 clinical trials and seven approved for limited use. Still, none have been approved for full use, but that could change very soon. The biggest vaccine news this week was that the U.K. granted emergency authorization for Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine, making it the first country in the West to approve a vaccine for mass inoculation during this pandemic. (Russia and China have done so, but their approval processes are significantly less stringent.) The first doses will be rolled out next week to doctors and nurses with the National Health Service as well as nursing home workers and adults aged 80 and over who had previously scheduled doctors’ appointments, reports the New York Times.
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