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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69511 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug. “For many of the president’s followers, the past four years have been one long, quasi-religious exercise in suspending disbelief. To adhere to the Church of Trumpism was to reject anything that might challenge its orthodoxies. The news was fake. The polls were fake. The investigations and scandals and fact-checks were fake. It only stood to reason that if Trump lost his bid for reelection, the defeat would be fake as well.”
Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug. “For many of the president’s followers, the past four years have been one long, quasi-religious exercise in suspending disbelief. To adhere to the Church of Trumpism was to reject anything that might challenge its orthodoxies. The news was fake. The polls were fake. The investigations and scandals and fact-checks were fake. It only stood to reason that if Trump lost his bid for reelection, the defeat would be fake as well.”
to be fair polls were fake/wrong and news was fake/misleading/almost all editorials including fox. glad trump era done but hope everyone keeps same energy for the truth moving forward as well
to be fair polls were fake/wrong and news was fake/misleading/almost all editorials including fox. glad trump era done but hope everyone keeps same energy for the truth moving forward as well
>"At Steve Bannon’s Election Night party, bravado reigned. But reality quickly caught up with the Trumpism diehards."
>"At Steve Bannon’s Election Night party, bravado reigned. But reality quickly caught up with the Trumpism diehards."
>"At Steve Bannon’s Election Night party, bravado reigned. But reality quickly caught up with the Trumpism diehards."
>"At Steve Bannon’s Election Night party, bravado reigned. But reality quickly caught up with the Trumpism diehards."
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