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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69513 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
This is an interesting story but it's mainly about something that happened in 2003, which is definitely not current.
This is an interesting story but it's mainly about something that happened in 2003, which is definitely not current.
I actually think this is highly relevant in terms of the changes in transparency, information sharing, and surveillance (of people and diseases) over the last 18 years in China. I don’t know that I would tag it “treacherous chinese highways,” but it speaks to the challenges in contemporary reporting of diseases and epidemiology. Anyway, I found it a worthwhile read from someone who was on the ground. YMMV
I actually think this is highly relevant in terms of the changes in transparency, information sharing, and surveillance (of people and diseases) over the last 18 years in China. I don’t know that I would tag it “treacherous chinese highways,” but it speaks to the challenges in contemporary reporting of diseases and epidemiology. Anyway, I found it a worthwhile read from someone who was on the ground. YMMV
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