A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69471 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69471 Members
We'll be adding more communities soon!
© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
This post was posted by [@jawsn](/user/profile/jawsn) yesterday This post was first posted by [@jawsn](/user/profile/jawsn) Why is [@jawsn](/user/profile/jawsn) 's post inappropriate? [@Druss](/user/profile/Druss) [@DrEllisJaruzel](/user/profile/DrEllisJaruzel) check [@jawsn](/user/profile/jawsn) post
This post was posted by [@jawsn](/user/profile/jawsn) yesterday This post was first posted by [@jawsn](/user/profile/jawsn) Why is [@jawsn](/user/profile/jawsn) 's post inappropriate? [@Druss](/user/profile/Druss) [@DrEllisJaruzel](/user/profile/DrEllisJaruzel) check [@jawsn](/user/profile/jawsn) post
[@slava](/user/profile/slava) check post
[@slava](/user/profile/slava) check post
Gradually, the quality of the relevant community deteriorates, and copy posts become relevant and the original posts become spam
Gradually, the quality of the relevant community deteriorates, and copy posts become relevant and the original posts become spam
There is only copyer and cheatwr in the relevant community
There is only copyer and cheatwr in the relevant community
>"All evidence suggests that the president would run from the responsibility of overseeing the violent fracture of America."
>"All evidence suggests that the president would run from the responsibility of overseeing the violent fracture of America."
>"All evidence suggests that the president would run from the responsibility of overseeing the violent fracture of America."
>"All evidence suggests that the president would run from the responsibility of overseeing the violent fracture of America."
>"All evidence suggests that the president would run from the responsibility of overseeing the violent fracture of America."
>"All evidence suggests that the president would run from the responsibility of overseeing the violent fracture of America."
Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.
Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.