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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69522 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
Who Will Win the 2020 Nobel Prize in Literature? Four years ago, I made the worst prediction of my professional life. No, not that Hillary Clinton would defeat Donald Trump—though I was pretty confident of that, too. Instead, I wrote that Bob Dylan would not win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2016 and, furthermore, that he would never win it—and that if he did I would eat my vinyl copy of Blood on the Tracks. (For the record, I have yet to eat my copy of Blood on the Tracks, though I promise to eat it, for real this time, if Donald Trump wins the Nobel Peace Prize this Friday.)
Who Will Win the 2020 Nobel Prize in Literature? Four years ago, I made the worst prediction of my professional life. No, not that Hillary Clinton would defeat Donald Trump—though I was pretty confident of that, too. Instead, I wrote that Bob Dylan would not win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2016 and, furthermore, that he would never win it—and that if he did I would eat my vinyl copy of Blood on the Tracks. (For the record, I have yet to eat my copy of Blood on the Tracks, though I promise to eat it, for real this time, if Donald Trump wins the Nobel Peace Prize this Friday.)
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