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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69475 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
HI Bobb Its about a celebrity sportsman's dying which I don't think is Relevant for the Newsfeed considering the high benchmark for that feed. Yes there is a slight link in the article to recent civil unrest but overall I don't think it's Newsworthy or current enough to be in the main feed and would detract from better articles I'm not trying to dismiss any affinity you might have for this person/team. If we have a sportsfeed in the future it might of done well there.
HI Bobb Its about a celebrity sportsman's dying which I don't think is Relevant for the Newsfeed considering the high benchmark for that feed. Yes there is a slight link in the article to recent civil unrest but overall I don't think it's Newsworthy or current enough to be in the main feed and would detract from better articles I'm not trying to dismiss any affinity you might have for this person/team. If we have a sportsfeed in the future it might of done well there.
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