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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69522 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
Interview with Bolivia’s Socialist VP Candidate “When we talk about “living well,” we are talking about our return to the ayllu [“community”], to the path of balance. There is disorder, the world and us are unbalanced, we are sick, we have been infected by greed, individualism, hatred, racism. “Living well” is saying that we need to heal ourselves, that we need to cast off egocentrism, Eurocentrism, and anthropocentrism.”
Interview with Bolivia’s Socialist VP Candidate “When we talk about “living well,” we are talking about our return to the ayllu [“community”], to the path of balance. There is disorder, the world and us are unbalanced, we are sick, we have been infected by greed, individualism, hatred, racism. “Living well” is saying that we need to heal ourselves, that we need to cast off egocentrism, Eurocentrism, and anthropocentrism.”
If anyone wants to read more about Bolivia– a friend of mine recommended 'Dispersing Power: Social Movements as Anti-state Forces' by Raúl Zibechi. (I haven't had the chance to read it in full yet but looks promising.)
If anyone wants to read more about Bolivia– a friend of mine recommended 'Dispersing Power: Social Movements as Anti-state Forces' by Raúl Zibechi. (I haven't had the chance to read it in full yet but looks promising.)
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