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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69521 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
"One of the major obstacles standing in the way of privatizing police operations or even substituting civilians for uniformed employees in nonpatrol positions is opposition from the police unions. Although many police organizations rally behind the cry that only a police officer can do a police officer's job, the fact is that often they are simply trying to protect 'uniformed' slots and create as many openings as possible for fully trained police officers." If You Want to Fix Policing, Listen to the Pragmatists Abolish Qualified Immunity The Case for Abolishing Police Unions Why Are Taxpayers Footing the Bill for Full-Time Police Union Employees? California Police Unions Once Again Side With Bad Cops To Kill a Good Bill
"One of the major obstacles standing in the way of privatizing police operations or even substituting civilians for uniformed employees in nonpatrol positions is opposition from the police unions. Although many police organizations rally behind the cry that only a police officer can do a police officer's job, the fact is that often they are simply trying to protect 'uniformed' slots and create as many openings as possible for fully trained police officers." If You Want to Fix Policing, Listen to the Pragmatists Abolish Qualified Immunity The Case for Abolishing Police Unions Why Are Taxpayers Footing the Bill for Full-Time Police Union Employees? California Police Unions Once Again Side With Bad Cops To Kill a Good Bill
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