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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69468 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
>"To understand the suffragists, and why their battle took so long, you also have to understand the anti-suffragists."
>"To understand the suffragists, and why their battle took so long, you also have to understand the anti-suffragists."
fake accounts hope to rel coins .. not that easy ferguso!!!!!!
fake accounts hope to rel coins .. not that easy ferguso!!!!!!
The reading above inspired women from 1848-1920 to get a voice in politics/vote.. because "Women are men, equals, and almost as educated, as good and intelligent in ordinary things"
The reading above inspired women from 1848-1920 to get a voice in politics/vote.. because "Women are men, equals, and almost as educated, as good and intelligent in ordinary things"
"To understand the suffragists, and why their battle took so long, you also have to understand the anti-suffragists."
"To understand the suffragists, and why their battle took so long, you also have to understand the anti-suffragists."
Like the suffrage movement, the organized anti-suffrage movement used buttons, posters, pennants and other paraphernalia to promote the cause.Credit...
Like the suffrage movement, the organized anti-suffrage movement used buttons, posters, pennants and other paraphernalia to promote the cause.Credit...
no relevant your post sir..this inspiration
no relevant your post sir..this inspiration
upvote bar bar..hahhhhaa there is sugar there are ants ... how can see admin..hhhhhaha lol
upvote bar bar..hahhhhaa there is sugar there are ants ... how can see admin..hhhhhaha lol
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.