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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69468 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
Germany has been incapable of seeing how mainstream far-right ideas have become. Living in Germany as an immigrant, you don’t want to see them either, even though you deal with them on a daily basis. ‘Germany has belatedly begun dealing with far-right networks that officials now say are far more extensive than they ever understood. The reach of far-right extremists into its armed forces is particularly alarming in a country that has worked to cleanse itself of its Nazi past and the horrors of the Holocaust. In July the government disbanded an entire company infiltrated by extremists in the nation’s special forces.’
Germany has been incapable of seeing how mainstream far-right ideas have become. Living in Germany as an immigrant, you don’t want to see them either, even though you deal with them on a daily basis. ‘Germany has belatedly begun dealing with far-right networks that officials now say are far more extensive than they ever understood. The reach of far-right extremists into its armed forces is particularly alarming in a country that has worked to cleanse itself of its Nazi past and the horrors of the Holocaust. In July the government disbanded an entire company infiltrated by extremists in the nation’s special forces.’
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