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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69470 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
This is profoundly stupid, misleading, inflammatory, and communicates bad medical advice. Go on twitter and see how many scientists of all disciplines, but especially epidemiologists, statisticians, and infectious disease experts eviscerate this. Without rehashing all of it, this is not actually a study, their has been no vetting, it evades responsibility, and it comes to a “conclusion” at substantial variance with medical and scientific consensus. But don’t take my word for it, see the researcher who literally wrote the book on “calling bullshit” address the main concerns. [https://twitter.com/ct_bergstrom/status/1291998616391835648?s=21](https://twitter.com/ct_bergstrom/status/1291998616391835648?s=21)
This is profoundly stupid, misleading, inflammatory, and communicates bad medical advice. Go on twitter and see how many scientists of all disciplines, but especially epidemiologists, statisticians, and infectious disease experts eviscerate this. Without rehashing all of it, this is not actually a study, their has been no vetting, it evades responsibility, and it comes to a “conclusion” at substantial variance with medical and scientific consensus. But don’t take my word for it, see the researcher who literally wrote the book on “calling bullshit” address the main concerns. [https://twitter.com/ct_bergstrom/status/1291998616391835648?s=21](https://twitter.com/ct_bergstrom/status/1291998616391835648?s=21)
For a complimentary take on disinformation from a practitioner: [https://twitter.com/craig_a_spencer/status/1290086016083140609?s=21](https://twitter.com/craig_a_spencer/status/1290086016083140609?s=21)
For a complimentary take on disinformation from a practitioner: [https://twitter.com/craig_a_spencer/status/1290086016083140609?s=21](https://twitter.com/craig_a_spencer/status/1290086016083140609?s=21)
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