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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69473 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
"Nurses have been fighting for a fair pay increase for years, a battle that has taken its toll on their patience and tolerance towards the government. Many will no longer wish to be a member of a profession that is continually sidelined by those who govern the country" British Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak announced a pay rise for almost 900,000 public sector workers across the country earlier this month to recognise their efforts during the coronavirus pandemic. Teachers, doctors, police officers and members of the armed forces are set to benefit from a pay increase, yet nurses and other allied healthcare professionals will not be rewarded by the Chancellor. As the biggest workforce in the health sector, nurses have been working tirelessly on the front line during the pandemic; some have sadly lost their lives as a consequence.
"Nurses have been fighting for a fair pay increase for years, a battle that has taken its toll on their patience and tolerance towards the government. Many will no longer wish to be a member of a profession that is continually sidelined by those who govern the country" British Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak announced a pay rise for almost 900,000 public sector workers across the country earlier this month to recognise their efforts during the coronavirus pandemic. Teachers, doctors, police officers and members of the armed forces are set to benefit from a pay increase, yet nurses and other allied healthcare professionals will not be rewarded by the Chancellor. As the biggest workforce in the health sector, nurses have been working tirelessly on the front line during the pandemic; some have sadly lost their lives as a consequence.
nurses like lowly soldiers who advance first .. many nurses die from corona. but his services are only underestimated.
nurses like lowly soldiers who advance first .. many nurses die from corona. but his services are only underestimated.
This year's tranding topic is nurses' heroes from the corona
This year's tranding topic is nurses' heroes from the corona
nurse the real hero then doctors
nurse the real hero then doctors
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.