A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69468 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69468 Members
We'll be adding more communities soon!
© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
This is an interesting illustration of the dark nihilism of the American right as well as the general decay of the US empire. >But the answer may also lie, simply, in the depth of Ingraham’s despair. The America of the present, as she sees it, is a dark, nightmarish place where God speaks to only a tiny number of people; where idealism is dead; where civil war and violence are approaching; where democratically elected politicians are no better than foreign dictators and mass murderers; where the “elite” is wallowing in decadence, disarray, death. The America of the present, as she sees it, and as so many others see it, is a place where universities teach people to hate their country, where victims are more celebrated than heroes, where old values have been discarded. >Any price should be paid, any crime should be forgiven, any outrage should be ignored if that’s what it takes to get the real America, the old America, back.
This is an interesting illustration of the dark nihilism of the American right as well as the general decay of the US empire. >But the answer may also lie, simply, in the depth of Ingraham’s despair. The America of the present, as she sees it, is a dark, nightmarish place where God speaks to only a tiny number of people; where idealism is dead; where civil war and violence are approaching; where democratically elected politicians are no better than foreign dictators and mass murderers; where the “elite” is wallowing in decadence, disarray, death. The America of the present, as she sees it, and as so many others see it, is a place where universities teach people to hate their country, where victims are more celebrated than heroes, where old values have been discarded. >Any price should be paid, any crime should be forgiven, any outrage should be ignored if that’s what it takes to get the real America, the old America, back.
Don't copy-paste other people's comments. You'll get punished.
Don't copy-paste other people's comments. You'll get punished.
Bro I think you should add IP address tracker or some other kind of security because people have 10-12 account per person to claim AirDrop token and earning for free without contributing to community back . Look at this telegram group : [https://t.me/RelevantBD](https://t.me/RelevantBD) All scammers in this group . I have one genuine account but many people I saw around have fake account a lot and In 10-12 account per person of fake gmail and Twitter .
Bro I think you should add IP address tracker or some other kind of security because people have 10-12 account per person to claim AirDrop token and earning for free without contributing to community back . Look at this telegram group : [https://t.me/RelevantBD](https://t.me/RelevantBD) All scammers in this group . I have one genuine account but many people I saw around have fake account a lot and In 10-12 account per person of fake gmail and Twitter .
Okay this is probably the wrong place for you to post this (maybe Introductions would be better), but that is a bit of a mess.
Okay this is probably the wrong place for you to post this (maybe Introductions would be better), but that is a bit of a mess.
Introduction : hi I am Tushar , college going student right now in lockdown and crypto enthusiasts. Someday I want to make crypto token of my Own right now supporting relevant token !🤣
Introduction : hi I am Tushar , college going student right now in lockdown and crypto enthusiasts. Someday I want to make crypto token of my Own right now supporting relevant token !🤣
Hello who is admin of this relevant community?
Hello who is admin of this relevant community?
Who's the admin of this relevant community
Who's the admin of this relevant community
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Are you going to add anything of relevance or value?
Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.
Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.