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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
Cancel culture, BLM and the current liberal climate is a god send for Trump. As Biden stays silent and non critical of the fringe elements of these movements, Trump will capitalise. The election will be very close regardless of the winner.
Cancel culture, BLM and the current liberal climate is a god send for Trump. As Biden stays silent and non critical of the fringe elements of these movements, Trump will capitalise. The election will be very close regardless of the winner.
Maybe not BLM in of itself as a movement, but the rioting and "disorder" that has come to be associated with the brand puts Trump in a position to be a "law and order" candidate which has proven successful for conservatives in the past.
Maybe not BLM in of itself as a movement, but the rioting and "disorder" that has come to be associated with the brand puts Trump in a position to be a "law and order" candidate which has proven successful for conservatives in the past.
"... But banking on negative feelings about Trump is a familiar danger zone for Democrats—he’s so bad that they will automatically be seen as good, they believe—and they have a hard time learning their lessons. Complacency is their biggest pitfall: Just ask Hillary Clinton. Whatever Trump is not in terms of presidential performance, he has proved over and over his Machiavellian talent for prodding Democratic weak spots, just as he did so effectively against his Republican rivals in the 2016 primaries. ..."
"... But banking on negative feelings about Trump is a familiar danger zone for Democrats—he’s so bad that they will automatically be seen as good, they believe—and they have a hard time learning their lessons. Complacency is their biggest pitfall: Just ask Hillary Clinton. Whatever Trump is not in terms of presidential performance, he has proved over and over his Machiavellian talent for prodding Democratic weak spots, just as he did so effectively against his Republican rivals in the 2016 primaries. ..."
I think Trump's political performance is not good. In the Trump lead America democracy standard is lower. That is my opinion 😁😁😁 For America is lead the world they chose a new leader as like Barack Obama . That election is very important for America country and US citizens. I wish chose to get a good leader upon US citizens.
I think Trump's political performance is not good. In the Trump lead America democracy standard is lower. That is my opinion 😁😁😁 For America is lead the world they chose a new leader as like Barack Obama . That election is very important for America country and US citizens. I wish chose to get a good leader upon US citizens.
To win in November, Democrats must avoid being lured into Trump’s culture war.
To win in November, Democrats must avoid being lured into Trump’s culture war.
Biden oh biden, have a nice day old man.
Biden oh biden, have a nice day old man.
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