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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69467 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
# RELEVANT READING GROUP – SESSION 2 RECAP Last week, members of the Relevant Reading Group met to discuss a collection of texts around the theme "HOW TO CHANGE A SYSTEM". Links to the pieces that we discussed can be found below: ### [People's Assemblies Overview: The Jackson People's Assembly Model (2014)](https://blacksocialists.us/news/jackson-peoples-assembly-model) > People denied their agency and power and subjected to external authority need vehicles to exercise their self-determination and exert their power. A People’s Assembly is a vehicle of democratic social organization that, when properly organized, allows people to exercise their agency, exert their power, and practice democracy ### [Donna Haraway - Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrYA7sMQaBQ) > In the midst of spiraling ecological devastation, multispecies feminist theorist Donna J. Haraway’s latest book, Staying with the Trouble, offers provocative new ways to reconfigure our relations to the earth and its inhabitants. Haraway will discuss why learning to stay with the trouble of living and dying together on a damaged earth might provide a means to build more livable futures. Haraway is Distinguished Professor Emerita in the History of Consciousness Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz. ### [Hans Haacke - Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum Board of Trustees, 1974](https://www.moma.org/collection/works/147055?sov_referrer=artist&artist_id=2429&page=1) > \[This\] work exposed the number of Guggenheim family members still on the board and the extent to which the rest of the members were associated with corporate matters such as copper drilling. ([Source](https://annatoptchi.wordpress.com/2016/09/03/biting-the-hand-that-fed-him-hans-haackes-method-of-institutional-critique/)) ### [Seven Lessons for Leaders in Systems Change](https://www.ecoliteracy.org/article/seven-lessons-leaders-systems-change#) >Living systems have their own dynamics. Observing systems reveals recurring properties and processes. They resist change, but they also develop, adapt, and evolve. Understanding how systems maintain themselves and how they change has very practical consequences that go to the heart of education for sustainable living. The next session will take place on **WEDNESDAY, JULY 22nd at 6:00 PM EST**. The theme for our next session is: ### LOCAL ISSUES If you are interested in participating in the next group meeting, feel free to [**EMAIL ME**](mailto:[email protected]) and I will add you to the group listserv. Until next time! And always remember... ## READERS ARE LEADERS
# RELEVANT READING GROUP – SESSION 2 RECAP Last week, members of the Relevant Reading Group met to discuss a collection of texts around the theme "HOW TO CHANGE A SYSTEM". Links to the pieces that we discussed can be found below: ### [People's Assemblies Overview: The Jackson People's Assembly Model (2014)](https://blacksocialists.us/news/jackson-peoples-assembly-model) > People denied their agency and power and subjected to external authority need vehicles to exercise their self-determination and exert their power. A People’s Assembly is a vehicle of democratic social organization that, when properly organized, allows people to exercise their agency, exert their power, and practice democracy ### [Donna Haraway - Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrYA7sMQaBQ) > In the midst of spiraling ecological devastation, multispecies feminist theorist Donna J. Haraway’s latest book, Staying with the Trouble, offers provocative new ways to reconfigure our relations to the earth and its inhabitants. Haraway will discuss why learning to stay with the trouble of living and dying together on a damaged earth might provide a means to build more livable futures. Haraway is Distinguished Professor Emerita in the History of Consciousness Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz. ### [Hans Haacke - Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum Board of Trustees, 1974](https://www.moma.org/collection/works/147055?sov_referrer=artist&artist_id=2429&page=1) > \[This\] work exposed the number of Guggenheim family members still on the board and the extent to which the rest of the members were associated with corporate matters such as copper drilling. ([Source](https://annatoptchi.wordpress.com/2016/09/03/biting-the-hand-that-fed-him-hans-haackes-method-of-institutional-critique/)) ### [Seven Lessons for Leaders in Systems Change](https://www.ecoliteracy.org/article/seven-lessons-leaders-systems-change#) >Living systems have their own dynamics. Observing systems reveals recurring properties and processes. They resist change, but they also develop, adapt, and evolve. Understanding how systems maintain themselves and how they change has very practical consequences that go to the heart of education for sustainable living. The next session will take place on **WEDNESDAY, JULY 22nd at 6:00 PM EST**. The theme for our next session is: ### LOCAL ISSUES If you are interested in participating in the next group meeting, feel free to [**EMAIL ME**](mailto:[email protected]) and I will add you to the group listserv. Until next time! And always remember... ## READERS ARE LEADERS
Hey Willem, thank you for putting these together! Would love to join the next meeting!
Hey Willem, thank you for putting these together! Would love to join the next meeting!
Ok; Please Added me next meeting
Ok; Please Added me next meeting
Dur bata anamati bow👍
Dur bata anamati bow👍
I am interested and will be joined.
I am interested and will be joined.
Good work sir. I hope I will connect directly with next meeting
Good work sir. I hope I will connect directly with next meeting
Yap, remember. >> Readers are leaders << . But not all the leaders are readers. :P
Yap, remember. >> Readers are leaders << . But not all the leaders are readers. :P
I Love You and then I will be a your leader😝😝
I Love You and then I will be a your leader😝😝
You are definitely a good writer because you have a good citation for your write up.... Thanks for this important write up
You are definitely a good writer because you have a good citation for your write up.... Thanks for this important write up
We need this.I really enjoy this project.
We need this.I really enjoy this project.
Good plan I want more ideas
Good plan I want more ideas
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.