A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69471 Members
We'll be adding more communities soon!
© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69471 Members
We'll be adding more communities soon!
© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
Hello Rel communith morning!!! Someone can answer to me exactly direction of payout method in the community rewards. I know little but dosn't understand hot to work it.
Hello Rel communith morning!!! Someone can answer to me exactly direction of payout method in the community rewards. I know little but dosn't understand hot to work it.
Welcome. In the future, please post all questions in the General Community (Communities are listed on the left of your screen on desktop..sorry i don't use the mobile app enough to explain where to find it). You will need to connect a Metamask wallet with some ETH in it to be able to withdraw your REL tokens into it
Welcome. In the future, please post all questions in the General Community (Communities are listed on the left of your screen on desktop..sorry i don't use the mobile app enough to explain where to find it). You will need to connect a Metamask wallet with some ETH in it to be able to withdraw your REL tokens into it
How i connect metamask to relevant
How i connect metamask to relevant
Which you use platform mobile or dasktop? You can connect with metamask extension chrome brower on dasktop easily. If phone you must have kiwi brower. Search on google play store or mobile market anything. And you have install the broswer and search on extension on right side of your browser. You will see extension. Them click . And they will say to search on google. Click it. You will see extension of chrome style. Search bar to metamask and install it. So you can use metamask and connect with relevant account.
Which you use platform mobile or dasktop? You can connect with metamask extension chrome brower on dasktop easily. If phone you must have kiwi brower. Search on google play store or mobile market anything. And you have install the broswer and search on extension on right side of your browser. You will see extension. Them click . And they will say to search on google. Click it. You will see extension of chrome style. Search bar to metamask and install it. So you can use metamask and connect with relevant account.
Connect using dekstop, phone still not support
Connect using dekstop, phone still not support
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.