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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
The only renewable source of energy that can stand to take over is nuclear energy. The push for solar, wind, and other forms of renewable energy without mention of nuclear energy tells me sources of energy like Natural Gas will continue to increase in dominance and usage. Buffett sees it and is investing heavily in that sector.
The only renewable source of energy that can stand to take over is nuclear energy. The push for solar, wind, and other forms of renewable energy without mention of nuclear energy tells me sources of energy like Natural Gas will continue to increase in dominance and usage. Buffett sees it and is investing heavily in that sector.
Utility executives acknowledge that renewable energy will continue to grow. But many dismiss the idea that wind turbines, solar panels, and batteries can replace natural gas plants.
Utility executives acknowledge that renewable energy will continue to grow. But many dismiss the idea that wind turbines, solar panels, and batteries can replace natural gas plants.
The world needs renewable energy but how foreseeable is it in the nearest future.
The world needs renewable energy but how foreseeable is it in the nearest future.
Yes you are right. Near future life will be hard if you don't manage any renewable energy.
Yes you are right. Near future life will be hard if you don't manage any renewable energy.
Natural gas to natural energy!
Natural gas to natural energy!
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.