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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
With over 2 million Americans being dependant on painkillers, and more people are using painkillers than tobacco, the result is that more Americans under 50 die from an opiod overdose than anything else.
With over 2 million Americans being dependant on painkillers, and more people are using painkillers than tobacco, the result is that more Americans under 50 die from an opiod overdose than anything else.
This is a great articke. I agree with the concept in this article that we, at least in Western society, are spoilt and feel that pain and hardship are not things we are meant to feel. A little pain and hardship is indeed essential to help us grow and achieve.
This is a great articke. I agree with the concept in this article that we, at least in Western society, are spoilt and feel that pain and hardship are not things we are meant to feel. A little pain and hardship is indeed essential to help us grow and achieve.
The pharma industry has been so effective at marketing that it is seen as normal for people (including children) to use meds on a daily basis. A crisis was the inevitable outcome from this mentality.
The pharma industry has been so effective at marketing that it is seen as normal for people (including children) to use meds on a daily basis. A crisis was the inevitable outcome from this mentality.
Interestingly, the major market for painkillers are in countries where there are actually less causality of pain!
Interestingly, the major market for painkillers are in countries where there are actually less causality of pain!
Having grown up in the North East of the states in the height of the oxy 80 outbreak, this article holds special significance for me personally. Great article! Thanks for the share!
Having grown up in the North East of the states in the height of the oxy 80 outbreak, this article holds special significance for me personally. Great article! Thanks for the share!
I see where the author is coming from as the pussification of western society is at an all time high and agree without a doubt. But one could sill argue that the unregulated and liberal distribution granted to these pharmacological cartels from greedy big government has a massive hand in the epidemic. They created a situation where the opioid has a monopoly on pain and most havent a clue what they take. White collar drug lords with the blood of millions on their hands.
I see where the author is coming from as the pussification of western society is at an all time high and agree without a doubt. But one could sill argue that the unregulated and liberal distribution granted to these pharmacological cartels from greedy big government has a massive hand in the epidemic. They created a situation where the opioid has a monopoly on pain and most havent a clue what they take. White collar drug lords with the blood of millions on their hands.
Some good points made but the most pertinant one is the fact that Western society have been led to believe that life is all roses. It isn't and you should ensure it's this way be physically and mentally challenging yourself.
Some good points made but the most pertinant one is the fact that Western society have been led to believe that life is all roses. It isn't and you should ensure it's this way be physically and mentally challenging yourself.
Using substances as a "pain reliever" over time pushes the "pause button" on the growth/development of one's feelings, thoughts & behaviours. It has become normal for society to seek reward and an escape for when pain/discomfort arises. Instant gratification feels good doesn't it? Although the consequences in the long run are not worth it. I agree with what Alastair has stated in the article: "Mental toughness and durability need practice like any other muscle or habit. If we are not exposed to them with relative frequency, then we have no hope whatsoever of overcoming them in the moment — whenever that moment comes".
Using substances as a "pain reliever" over time pushes the "pause button" on the growth/development of one's feelings, thoughts & behaviours. It has become normal for society to seek reward and an escape for when pain/discomfort arises. Instant gratification feels good doesn't it? Although the consequences in the long run are not worth it. I agree with what Alastair has stated in the article: "Mental toughness and durability need practice like any other muscle or habit. If we are not exposed to them with relative frequency, then we have no hope whatsoever of overcoming them in the moment — whenever that moment comes".
awesome netfix doco series called "the pharmacist" dives into the Opioid crisis in the states. Must watch in my opinion.
awesome netfix doco series called "the pharmacist" dives into the Opioid crisis in the states. Must watch in my opinion.
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