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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69528 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
"We need to ... prepare for a post-Covid world that is poorer, that is more dangerous and that is more disorderly," Morrison said." "In June, Australia signed two bilateral military agreements with India in the "first step in deepening of the defense relationship" between the two Indo-Pacific powers, as China took an increasingly aggressive approach in the region, according to statements from both countries." "Anything we can throw at China they can throw at us, and then some," Sam Roggeveen, director of the Lowy Institute's International Security Program in Sydney. The intimidating rhetoric and attitudes displayed in this mainstream media CNN piece shows us what direction we may be heading in, and despite the protests for less internal militarization within many western countries we can see that global militarization as a whole is increasing. Logical contradictions such as the aforementioned may be inevitable in this century, as the effects of the arms races throughout the last century have left humanity living in a time of constant war and peace. Thoughts? Solutions? Let's have a discussion about this militarized age...
"We need to ... prepare for a post-Covid world that is poorer, that is more dangerous and that is more disorderly," Morrison said." "In June, Australia signed two bilateral military agreements with India in the "first step in deepening of the defense relationship" between the two Indo-Pacific powers, as China took an increasingly aggressive approach in the region, according to statements from both countries." "Anything we can throw at China they can throw at us, and then some," Sam Roggeveen, director of the Lowy Institute's International Security Program in Sydney. The intimidating rhetoric and attitudes displayed in this mainstream media CNN piece shows us what direction we may be heading in, and despite the protests for less internal militarization within many western countries we can see that global militarization as a whole is increasing. Logical contradictions such as the aforementioned may be inevitable in this century, as the effects of the arms races throughout the last century have left humanity living in a time of constant war and peace. Thoughts? Solutions? Let's have a discussion about this militarized age...
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