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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
“Warren, like Obama, was energetically refuting propositions no one asserts. Everyone knows that all striving occurs in a social context and all attainments are, to some extent, enabled and conditioned by contexts that are shaped by government.” I disagree with this assertion. Everyone does not know this, as I know of many cases of people oblivious to social context or even consciously asserting that government plays no enabling role whatsoever.
“Warren, like Obama, was energetically refuting propositions no one asserts. Everyone knows that all striving occurs in a social context and all attainments are, to some extent, enabled and conditioned by contexts that are shaped by government.” I disagree with this assertion. Everyone does not know this, as I know of many cases of people oblivious to social context or even consciously asserting that government plays no enabling role whatsoever.
Yes , indeed I agree to this but there is a probability that cases you are referring to can most likely be exceptions, which is always possible. Or the possibility that the sample that your are referring to can most likely be biased due to small sample size and the assertion may hold true if a larger population or a bigger sample is considered.
Yes , indeed I agree to this but there is a probability that cases you are referring to can most likely be exceptions, which is always possible. Or the possibility that the sample that your are referring to can most likely be biased due to small sample size and the assertion may hold true if a larger population or a bigger sample is considered.
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