A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69471 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
I really suffered mentally during the starting phase of the protests in America. I was Twitter all day long, devouring information, whether good or bad, to my detriment. I become disillusioned with how how I saw life. It really affected me badly, to a point where I had headaches just thinking about all that was happening. I partly solved my mental relapse by deleting all my social apps. I got back to reading books and now, I'm positively recovering myself. Doomscrolling is a real water of mental health, please take care of yourself.
I really suffered mentally during the starting phase of the protests in America. I was Twitter all day long, devouring information, whether good or bad, to my detriment. I become disillusioned with how how I saw life. It really affected me badly, to a point where I had headaches just thinking about all that was happening. I partly solved my mental relapse by deleting all my social apps. I got back to reading books and now, I'm positively recovering myself. Doomscrolling is a real water of mental health, please take care of yourself.
Glad to hear! A great book is Notes on a Nervous Planet. It really helped me! I'm reading Breaking Habits book now so I can break the habit of having phone always near me and other detrimental habits. Reading is great :)
Glad to hear! A great book is Notes on a Nervous Planet. It really helped me! I'm reading Breaking Habits book now so I can break the habit of having phone always near me and other detrimental habits. Reading is great :)
While being informed is an intelligent move, over-saturating yourself unpleasant news can take its toll. Remember to take breaks to rekindle your spirit!
While being informed is an intelligent move, over-saturating yourself unpleasant news can take its toll. Remember to take breaks to rekindle your spirit!
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