A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69522 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69522 Members
We'll be adding more communities soon!
© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
"In the same way that candidates in the last cycle used Facebook to reach and persuade voters, ongoing research from our team at the propaganda research lab at UT Austin’s Center for Media Engagement suggests that 2020 will be defined by the use of bespoke campaign apps. Purpose-built applications distributed through the App Store and Google Play Store allow the Trump and Biden teams to speak directly to likely voters. They also allow them to collect massive amounts of user data without needing to rely on major social-media platforms or expose themselves to fact-checker oversight of particularly divisive or deceptive messaging. "
"In the same way that candidates in the last cycle used Facebook to reach and persuade voters, ongoing research from our team at the propaganda research lab at UT Austin’s Center for Media Engagement suggests that 2020 will be defined by the use of bespoke campaign apps. Purpose-built applications distributed through the App Store and Google Play Store allow the Trump and Biden teams to speak directly to likely voters. They also allow them to collect massive amounts of user data without needing to rely on major social-media platforms or expose themselves to fact-checker oversight of particularly divisive or deceptive messaging. "
Our privacy is not safe! Facebook, Twitter and all apps (along with this Trump and Biden app) collect our data, behavior and use it to their benefit. Nevertheless, election fight will be interesting to watch :D
Our privacy is not safe! Facebook, Twitter and all apps (along with this Trump and Biden app) collect our data, behavior and use it to their benefit. Nevertheless, election fight will be interesting to watch :D
Everyone who registered for unused Trump rally tickets gave their phone numbers to the Trump data collection. The contact tracing update also gives all our info using Bluetooth. And China-owned Tik Tock has gotten in trouble several times in the past for stealing data. It's all invading our privacy.
Everyone who registered for unused Trump rally tickets gave their phone numbers to the Trump data collection. The contact tracing update also gives all our info using Bluetooth. And China-owned Tik Tock has gotten in trouble several times in the past for stealing data. It's all invading our privacy.
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.