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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
I don't see this talked about enough. I don't agree with everything that Cedric claims, and the conclusion in the end could be vastly different than just throwing our hands up and not attending protests, but instead understanding this is a moment of mass mobilization that can use neoliberal tactics to make radical gains, such as defunding the police and decarceration.
I don't see this talked about enough. I don't agree with everything that Cedric claims, and the conclusion in the end could be vastly different than just throwing our hands up and not attending protests, but instead understanding this is a moment of mass mobilization that can use neoliberal tactics to make radical gains, such as defunding the police and decarceration.
On the limits of the "Black Lives Matter sentiment," and the necessity of class analysis. "Black Lives Matter sentiment is essentially a militant expression of racial liberalism. Such expressions are not a threat but rather a bulwark to the neoliberal project that has obliterated the social wage, gutted public sector employment and worker pensions, undermined collective bargaining and union power, and rolled out an expansive carceral apparatus, all developments that have adversely affected black workers and communities. Sure, some activists are calling for defunding police departments and de-carceration, but as a popular slogan, Black Lives Matter is a cry for full recognition within the established terms of liberal democratic capitalism. And the ruling class agrees."
On the limits of the "Black Lives Matter sentiment," and the necessity of class analysis. "Black Lives Matter sentiment is essentially a militant expression of racial liberalism. Such expressions are not a threat but rather a bulwark to the neoliberal project that has obliterated the social wage, gutted public sector employment and worker pensions, undermined collective bargaining and union power, and rolled out an expansive carceral apparatus, all developments that have adversely affected black workers and communities. Sure, some activists are calling for defunding police departments and de-carceration, but as a popular slogan, Black Lives Matter is a cry for full recognition within the established terms of liberal democratic capitalism. And the ruling class agrees."
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