A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69468 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
"Amazon is also the technical backbone of ICE, hosting data for the federal agency and its surveillance collaborators such as Palantir, which is key to terrorizing, detaining, and deporting undocumented immigrants. Or take Amazon’s Ring security camera surveillance network: Ring has "partnerships" with at least 1,000 police departments that have resulted in package theft stings with the goal of arresting people."
"Amazon is also the technical backbone of ICE, hosting data for the federal agency and its surveillance collaborators such as Palantir, which is key to terrorizing, detaining, and deporting undocumented immigrants. Or take Amazon’s Ring security camera surveillance network: Ring has "partnerships" with at least 1,000 police departments that have resulted in package theft stings with the goal of arresting people."
doesn't Relevant use AWS?
doesn't Relevant use AWS?
ouch... yes, we do for image caching, but do have a plan to migrate to IPFS of course then the question is what happens when people run a bunch of IPFS nodes on AWS... to speak to a bigger question, yes we are all complicit in capitalism in many different ways but often times it's because we don't really have a choice
ouch... yes, we do for image caching, but do have a plan to migrate to IPFS of course then the question is what happens when people run a bunch of IPFS nodes on AWS... to speak to a bigger question, yes we are all complicit in capitalism in many different ways but often times it's because we don't really have a choice
We need to do something to differentiate these corporate elites from the resistance. Classical Marxists can easily see how the movement has been coopted by these savvy elites. Meanwhile, the right who are aware of socialism (i.e. the NAZIS) are taking advantage of our weakness in allowing corporations to fund our anti-state activity. Some heads have to come together to analise the situation.
We need to do something to differentiate these corporate elites from the resistance. Classical Marxists can easily see how the movement has been coopted by these savvy elites. Meanwhile, the right who are aware of socialism (i.e. the NAZIS) are taking advantage of our weakness in allowing corporations to fund our anti-state activity. Some heads have to come together to analise the situation.
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.