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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69522 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
“The claim that those with higher BMIs are at special risk of dying from the coronavirus is grossly overstated.”
“The claim that those with higher BMIs are at special risk of dying from the coronavirus is grossly overstated.”
Hmmm interesting and certainly something to consider. I guess it will be a few more weeks/months until the overal picture comes clear. As a GP though and someone who sees a lot of chronic disease caused by obesity, I still stand by my comment that ultra processed food is killing people. The fact that I refer people for surgery to their stomachs because they cannot control their eating on the current western diet tells me that there is something deeply wrong with our food.
Hmmm interesting and certainly something to consider. I guess it will be a few more weeks/months until the overal picture comes clear. As a GP though and someone who sees a lot of chronic disease caused by obesity, I still stand by my comment that ultra processed food is killing people. The fact that I refer people for surgery to their stomachs because they cannot control their eating on the current western diet tells me that there is something deeply wrong with our food.
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