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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69519 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
“So it's not surprising to witness people behaving in very similar ways to the current pandemic as the WoW players did back in 2005. "Corrupted Blood was this unexpected black swan event. We treat this [coronavirus] as if it's unexpected, but nature is really good at getting people sick," said Lofgren. "If you think again in gaming terms, we're making saving throws against new emerging diseases all the time. And sometimes you fail. We have epidemics recur with some degree of frequency. It's sort of like getting rid of people who predict earthquakes because you haven't had an earthquake in a while. Well, yeah, you're gonna have another one."”
“So it's not surprising to witness people behaving in very similar ways to the current pandemic as the WoW players did back in 2005. "Corrupted Blood was this unexpected black swan event. We treat this [coronavirus] as if it's unexpected, but nature is really good at getting people sick," said Lofgren. "If you think again in gaming terms, we're making saving throws against new emerging diseases all the time. And sometimes you fail. We have epidemics recur with some degree of frequency. It's sort of like getting rid of people who predict earthquakes because you haven't had an earthquake in a while. Well, yeah, you're gonna have another one."”
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