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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
Ecellent read. Also implies about 600 (mostly unknown) cases currently in WA USA. “Knowing that transmission was initiated on Jan 15 allows us to estimate the total number of infections that exist in this cluster today. Our preliminary analysis puts this at 570 with an 90% uncertainty interval of between 80 and 1500 infections.”
Ecellent read. Also implies about 600 (mostly unknown) cases currently in WA USA. “Knowing that transmission was initiated on Jan 15 allows us to estimate the total number of infections that exist in this cluster today. Our preliminary analysis puts this at 570 with an 90% uncertainty interval of between 80 and 1500 infections.”
Great read and hints at larger infected groups than being reported which in turn gives hope on a lower mortality rate; though the uncertainty interval is quite wide.
Great read and hints at larger infected groups than being reported which in turn gives hope on a lower mortality rate; though the uncertainty interval is quite wide.
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