A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69511 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
Data sharing appears to have greatly improved with this latest virus outbreak assisted by using tools such as Github. Also some insight into the complexity of trying to model an outbreak such as this. "“In previous outbreaks you could wait weeks or months to see a paper come out that had that one piece of information you needed in your work,” he said. “That was really hindering the process. This time is different.” David Pigott, a scientist at the University of Washington’s Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation who has contributed to the Github repository, says global health researchers are now reaping the benefits of data-sharing networks that have evolved over the last few epidemics, especially Ebola and Zika. “With each event, there’s a snowballing of like-minded individuals being increasingly aware of each other,” he said. “So when the coronavirus was detected, we knew who to reach out to.”"
Data sharing appears to have greatly improved with this latest virus outbreak assisted by using tools such as Github. Also some insight into the complexity of trying to model an outbreak such as this. "“In previous outbreaks you could wait weeks or months to see a paper come out that had that one piece of information you needed in your work,” he said. “That was really hindering the process. This time is different.” David Pigott, a scientist at the University of Washington’s Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation who has contributed to the Github repository, says global health researchers are now reaping the benefits of data-sharing networks that have evolved over the last few epidemics, especially Ebola and Zika. “With each event, there’s a snowballing of like-minded individuals being increasingly aware of each other,” he said. “So when the coronavirus was detected, we knew who to reach out to.”"
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