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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69468 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
"Some may argue and say, “Well, people are speaking out because Kobe was accused of sexual assault.” I disagree. Many Black men are still attacked after their deaths. Whenever Martin Luther King Jr. Day is celebrated, there are people who talk of his indiscretions with other women. Emmett Till, who was slain by a white mob for allegedly whistling at a white woman, has had his grave defiled, and the sign commemorating his life shot so many times that it is now bulletproof. These attacks on dead Black men are not happening in a vacuum; this is deep-seated misandry that America has for the Black man. White men who have been accused of and committed terrible acts such as David Bowie (statutory rape), John McCain (racism), and Ronald Reagan (conspiracy to funnel drugs to the inner-city) are lauded with praise. No one speaks of their crimes and misdeeds. In death, white men are revered; Black men are reviled."
"Some may argue and say, “Well, people are speaking out because Kobe was accused of sexual assault.” I disagree. Many Black men are still attacked after their deaths. Whenever Martin Luther King Jr. Day is celebrated, there are people who talk of his indiscretions with other women. Emmett Till, who was slain by a white mob for allegedly whistling at a white woman, has had his grave defiled, and the sign commemorating his life shot so many times that it is now bulletproof. These attacks on dead Black men are not happening in a vacuum; this is deep-seated misandry that America has for the Black man. White men who have been accused of and committed terrible acts such as David Bowie (statutory rape), John McCain (racism), and Ronald Reagan (conspiracy to funnel drugs to the inner-city) are lauded with praise. No one speaks of their crimes and misdeeds. In death, white men are revered; Black men are reviled."
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