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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69471 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
The weird thing about being friends with a Tanky is that they talk about the Hong Kong protests by ironically LARPing a hardline CCP member. It's a zero-sum game, where China must be good because the US is bad. Weird to see a distant mirror of the Tanky edgelord in this article: "I know I am not alone in having difficult conversations with family about politics, in China and elsewhere... I have never liked the phrase “generational divide,” because today’s young people, with any luck, will one day also grow old. If there is anything about youth and dissent, it is that we have spent less time convincing ourselves that what is should just be."
The weird thing about being friends with a Tanky is that they talk about the Hong Kong protests by ironically LARPing a hardline CCP member. It's a zero-sum game, where China must be good because the US is bad. Weird to see a distant mirror of the Tanky edgelord in this article: "I know I am not alone in having difficult conversations with family about politics, in China and elsewhere... I have never liked the phrase “generational divide,” because today’s young people, with any luck, will one day also grow old. If there is anything about youth and dissent, it is that we have spent less time convincing ourselves that what is should just be."
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