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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
Interview with Mckenzie Wark about her latest book; Capital is Dead (2019). "In Capital (1867), Marx identified the ruling class as those who controlled the means of production. In Capital is Dead (2019), Mckenzie Wark proposes that a new form of class exploitation has emerged, headed by a ruling class they term the "vectoralists" - those who own and control the means of producing information. [...] Guy Mannes-Abbott speaks to Wark about the implications of their latest book. " // "GMA: In this new situation or “class formation”, what is a hacker class and what is a vectoralist class? MW: The vectoralist class is that ruling class that owns and controls the means of producing information, distinct from the capitalist class that owns and controls the means of production and the landlord class that owns and controls arable land and extracts ground rent. There may be other kinds of dominant class, particularly when you start trying to understand, for example, what the People’s Republic of China became. But let’s stick to those three. Class is always a dynamic relation. It’s not about a sociological classification, still less is it an identity. If there are three dominant classes, each is in relation to its respective dominated and exploited classes: farmer, worker, and for the subordinated class in conflict with the vectoralist class, I chose the word hacker. I mean that in the broad sense of anyone who produces new information out of old in any medium whatsoever. There is a technics that started to make that possible in the late 20th century. There are elaborations of legal form, which enable the capture of information"
Interview with Mckenzie Wark about her latest book; Capital is Dead (2019). "In Capital (1867), Marx identified the ruling class as those who controlled the means of production. In Capital is Dead (2019), Mckenzie Wark proposes that a new form of class exploitation has emerged, headed by a ruling class they term the "vectoralists" - those who own and control the means of producing information. [...] Guy Mannes-Abbott speaks to Wark about the implications of their latest book. " // "GMA: In this new situation or “class formation”, what is a hacker class and what is a vectoralist class? MW: The vectoralist class is that ruling class that owns and controls the means of producing information, distinct from the capitalist class that owns and controls the means of production and the landlord class that owns and controls arable land and extracts ground rent. There may be other kinds of dominant class, particularly when you start trying to understand, for example, what the People’s Republic of China became. But let’s stick to those three. Class is always a dynamic relation. It’s not about a sociological classification, still less is it an identity. If there are three dominant classes, each is in relation to its respective dominated and exploited classes: farmer, worker, and for the subordinated class in conflict with the vectoralist class, I chose the word hacker. I mean that in the broad sense of anyone who produces new information out of old in any medium whatsoever. There is a technics that started to make that possible in the late 20th century. There are elaborations of legal form, which enable the capture of information"
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