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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69470 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
I write a lot in my Just Rolling with It newsletter about The Dream. It's the one pushed on many of us by modern society. See my current issue for a summary. The tl;dr version - "Go to school, get good grades, get a job that pays well, so you can accumulate the objects the Dream Pushers market and society agrees prove you've "made it". You won't be happy at your work, but that's OK. Just keep pushing and consuming, numb yourself against unhappiness along the way if you need to." And here's a great example of CNN pushing the concept - "The stark contrast of the joy and freedom of family and friend time with the drudgery of answering a zillion work emails, can be hard on your emotional well-being," "There is a real sense of loss that comes with this transition period that makes us all a little sad," Ummm, no kidding? So what's the solution? "- Book another vacation. - Ease back into work. - You can also try to add some variety into your worklife. - Don't dwell. Know that something you enjoyed has come to an end, but make peace with it and know it will come back again. Resist feeling sorry for yourself. - Reflect. Think about what you liked about your break and bring an element of it to your work. - And do connect. People who are blue tend toward withdrawal." (Ok, I do agree with this one 😊) What's conspicuously missing? Taking a step back and wondering why we accept this cycle as normal. [https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/02/health/back-to-work-blues-holiday-vacation-hangover-wellness/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/02/health/back-to-work-blues-holiday-vacation-hangover-wellness/index.html)
I write a lot in my Just Rolling with It newsletter about The Dream. It's the one pushed on many of us by modern society. See my current issue for a summary. The tl;dr version - "Go to school, get good grades, get a job that pays well, so you can accumulate the objects the Dream Pushers market and society agrees prove you've "made it". You won't be happy at your work, but that's OK. Just keep pushing and consuming, numb yourself against unhappiness along the way if you need to." And here's a great example of CNN pushing the concept - "The stark contrast of the joy and freedom of family and friend time with the drudgery of answering a zillion work emails, can be hard on your emotional well-being," "There is a real sense of loss that comes with this transition period that makes us all a little sad," Ummm, no kidding? So what's the solution? "- Book another vacation. - Ease back into work. - You can also try to add some variety into your worklife. - Don't dwell. Know that something you enjoyed has come to an end, but make peace with it and know it will come back again. Resist feeling sorry for yourself. - Reflect. Think about what you liked about your break and bring an element of it to your work. - And do connect. People who are blue tend toward withdrawal." (Ok, I do agree with this one 😊) What's conspicuously missing? Taking a step back and wondering why we accept this cycle as normal. [https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/02/health/back-to-work-blues-holiday-vacation-hangover-wellness/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/02/health/back-to-work-blues-holiday-vacation-hangover-wellness/index.html)
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