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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
What Louise Menche would ask Mueller in tomorrows hearing. The Bob Mueller hearing gives lawmakers a chance to ask the special counsel the right questions. Mueller’s answers could help impeach Trump if he can get the Democrats to follow the roadmap he patiently laid out for them. Having previously sat on a Parliamentary select committee, here’s what I hope Democrats from the Judiciary and Intelligence Committees ask Bob Mueller. [https://patribotics.blog/2019/07/20/mueller-hearing-what-to-ask-the-special-counsel/](https://patribotics.blog/2019/07/20/mueller-hearing-what-to-ask-the-special-counsel/)
What Louise Menche would ask Mueller in tomorrows hearing. The Bob Mueller hearing gives lawmakers a chance to ask the special counsel the right questions. Mueller’s answers could help impeach Trump if he can get the Democrats to follow the roadmap he patiently laid out for them. Having previously sat on a Parliamentary select committee, here’s what I hope Democrats from the Judiciary and Intelligence Committees ask Bob Mueller. [https://patribotics.blog/2019/07/20/mueller-hearing-what-to-ask-the-special-counsel/](https://patribotics.blog/2019/07/20/mueller-hearing-what-to-ask-the-special-counsel/)
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