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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69471 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
I have grave worries about surgical treatments for childhood obesity. I agree obesity, diabetes and hypertension are terrible health burdens for the individual and society and we should tackle these early on. I REFUSE to believe we cannot tackle this with other methods and education. Our environment is ubiquitous with nutrionally deficient "food" whilst large corporations are allowed to develop new ways to hook us and our children on their crap in the pursuit of profit. This procedure involves cutting a child and babarically altering their physical anatomy. It's disgusting. We will look back on these mutilations in the horror that WE, could not find an environment that provided the correct diet for our children and we allowed others to posion them in the name of profit.
I have grave worries about surgical treatments for childhood obesity. I agree obesity, diabetes and hypertension are terrible health burdens for the individual and society and we should tackle these early on. I REFUSE to believe we cannot tackle this with other methods and education. Our environment is ubiquitous with nutrionally deficient "food" whilst large corporations are allowed to develop new ways to hook us and our children on their crap in the pursuit of profit. This procedure involves cutting a child and babarically altering their physical anatomy. It's disgusting. We will look back on these mutilations in the horror that WE, could not find an environment that provided the correct diet for our children and we allowed others to posion them in the name of profit.
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