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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69462 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
An article that examines the vastness of images and data, and their effects on worldbuilding, as instrumentalized by "The Q Network," which combines machine learning and human expertise.
An article that examines the vastness of images and data, and their effects on worldbuilding, as instrumentalized by "The Q Network," which combines machine learning and human expertise.
Woa, thank for sharing this is, sent me down a bit of a rabbit hole. These Q reports Sparks and Honey does are pretty interesting: [https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b553895697a98cf2cef2bc6/t/5c86ad614e17b61064a93fdb/1552330086094/2019_Trends_sparks_and_honey_DIGITAL.pdf](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b553895697a98cf2cef2bc6/t/5c86ad614e17b61064a93fdb/1552330086094/2019_Trends_sparks_and_honey_DIGITAL.pdf) Partly predictable, but a lot of it has the level of insight you would expect from scholarly research. Here is a thought: there are a lot of people doing this type of work that is actually valuable to society (not just brands and corporations). What are some ways to organize them, pool resources and share this work. Would it have to be a secretive Wiki-leaks type scenario since a lot of this info is proprietary? Maybe private groups like this exist, but how can these types of insights be made more public? All of this reminds me a little bit of Ribbon Farm and Venkatesh Rao's work, his being the silicon valley/tech version.
Woa, thank for sharing this is, sent me down a bit of a rabbit hole. These Q reports Sparks and Honey does are pretty interesting: [https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b553895697a98cf2cef2bc6/t/5c86ad614e17b61064a93fdb/1552330086094/2019_Trends_sparks_and_honey_DIGITAL.pdf](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5b553895697a98cf2cef2bc6/t/5c86ad614e17b61064a93fdb/1552330086094/2019_Trends_sparks_and_honey_DIGITAL.pdf) Partly predictable, but a lot of it has the level of insight you would expect from scholarly research. Here is a thought: there are a lot of people doing this type of work that is actually valuable to society (not just brands and corporations). What are some ways to organize them, pool resources and share this work. Would it have to be a secretive Wiki-leaks type scenario since a lot of this info is proprietary? Maybe private groups like this exist, but how can these types of insights be made more public? All of this reminds me a little bit of Ribbon Farm and Venkatesh Rao's work, his being the silicon valley/tech version.
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.