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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
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What verifiable info? All I saw were pictures of a girl in an island setting that could have been taken literally anywhere. Relevant Feed does not support pizzagate qanon conspiracy theories. ur talking about “objectively true info” and then speculating she’s guilty of something for not making a statement refuting the fact that she’s part of a child sex ring? Lol
What verifiable info? All I saw were pictures of a girl in an island setting that could have been taken literally anywhere. Relevant Feed does not support pizzagate qanon conspiracy theories. ur talking about “objectively true info” and then speculating she’s guilty of something for not making a statement refuting the fact that she’s part of a child sex ring? Lol
Discussing an article and the subject around it isn't supporting its content. I didn't say she's guilty and wasn't speculating on that, I said I found it peculiar for her to not say anything. She's been relentlessly harassed for two years and it is absolutely bizarre to not say anything after that length of time especially since it doesn't seem QAnon will stop anytime soon. The article posted has many inconsistencies like stating that this just recently started after Christchuch. QAnon is very much pervasive in our culture and has been linked to influencing some mass shooters on 8chan. I don't support them in any way.
Discussing an article and the subject around it isn't supporting its content. I didn't say she's guilty and wasn't speculating on that, I said I found it peculiar for her to not say anything. She's been relentlessly harassed for two years and it is absolutely bizarre to not say anything after that length of time especially since it doesn't seem QAnon will stop anytime soon. The article posted has many inconsistencies like stating that this just recently started after Christchuch. QAnon is very much pervasive in our culture and has been linked to influencing some mass shooters on 8chan. I don't support them in any way.
I guess her strategy is to not comment therefore not feed the trolls. I only heard about this through a friend who knows her this week. I didn't know it's been going on for 2 years. I will look into more info on that and why it might have been misreported
I guess her strategy is to not comment therefore not feed the trolls. I only heard about this through a friend who knows her this week. I didn't know it's been going on for 2 years. I will look into more info on that and why it might have been misreported
I tweeted at the author of the article to update it already [https://twitter.com/AlexisAiono/status/1110580365461282822](https://twitter.com/AlexisAiono/status/1110580365461282822) Her silence has been ineffective though. There has been more posts about her after Christchurch than there were when pizzagate was a huge thing. I'm not her legal counsel or PR team, and it's not like I expect her to be like "look, I don't run a pedo ring" but when your top google, and social media results for years have been around this, I would have tried to clear my name.
I tweeted at the author of the article to update it already [https://twitter.com/AlexisAiono/status/1110580365461282822](https://twitter.com/AlexisAiono/status/1110580365461282822) Her silence has been ineffective though. There has been more posts about her after Christchurch than there were when pizzagate was a huge thing. I'm not her legal counsel or PR team, and it's not like I expect her to be like "look, I don't run a pedo ring" but when your top google, and social media results for years have been around this, I would have tried to clear my name.
This story is quite possibly one of the most INSANE things I have ever read about someone I know, Im obcessed Q is coming for her LMAO I am really happy to read all about this here on [#relevant](/relevant/new/relevant) ...her silence 🤫 kinda crazy 🤯
This story is quite possibly one of the most INSANE things I have ever read about someone I know, Im obcessed Q is coming for her LMAO I am really happy to read all about this here on [#relevant](/relevant/new/relevant) ...her silence 🤫 kinda crazy 🤯
Maybe some of you know Rachel Chandler. She's a photographer and casting director who is in my greater social and professional milieu. Q Anon, known for egging on far right conspiracy theories, is targeting Chandler saying she's behind pizzagate and all this other wild unfounded shit. [#qanon](/relevant/new/qanon) [#deepstate](/relevant/new/deepstate) [#conspiracy](/relevant/new/conspiracy) [#rachelchandler](/relevant/new/rachelchandler) [#wild](/relevant/new/wild) [#pizzagate](/relevant/new/pizzagate)
Maybe some of you know Rachel Chandler. She's a photographer and casting director who is in my greater social and professional milieu. Q Anon, known for egging on far right conspiracy theories, is targeting Chandler saying she's behind pizzagate and all this other wild unfounded shit. [#qanon](/relevant/new/qanon) [#deepstate](/relevant/new/deepstate) [#conspiracy](/relevant/new/conspiracy) [#rachelchandler](/relevant/new/rachelchandler) [#wild](/relevant/new/wild) [#pizzagate](/relevant/new/pizzagate)
I find the whole thing bizarre and don't pretend to be an expert on how long it's been going on etc. But other than the pic of her and bill clinton when she's a teenager (which is also in the daily dot article) and then a bunch of beach vacation pics from diff times when she's clearly older. I don't know how what you posted proves she's child trafficking for epstein...
I find the whole thing bizarre and don't pretend to be an expert on how long it's been going on etc. But other than the pic of her and bill clinton when she's a teenager (which is also in the daily dot article) and then a bunch of beach vacation pics from diff times when she's clearly older. I don't know how what you posted proves she's child trafficking for epstein...
Again, I didn't state everything QAnon said was true and never once said that she committed sex trafficking. What I did point out is that she was on Jeffrey Epstein's island at 17 which in some of those of photos you can clearly see if you know what his island looks like. I said SOME things are true.
Again, I didn't state everything QAnon said was true and never once said that she committed sex trafficking. What I did point out is that she was on Jeffrey Epstein's island at 17 which in some of those of photos you can clearly see if you know what his island looks like. I said SOME things are true.
Lol that's sort of like saying there may be some truth to the whole flat earth thing....
Lol that's sort of like saying there may be some truth to the whole flat earth thing....
Wouldn't a flat-earther say the same exact thing? I'll concede that there is a higher probability of QAnon uncovering an elite pedophile ring by posting photos on a forum than the earth turning out to be flat. But that probability is still ways smaller than anything I would consider remotely relevant to reality. So turning like a 0.00000000000000000000000001 probability into 'maybe there is some truth to it' is a bit disingenuous and how people end up full-heartedly believing the earth is flat.
Wouldn't a flat-earther say the same exact thing? I'll concede that there is a higher probability of QAnon uncovering an elite pedophile ring by posting photos on a forum than the earth turning out to be flat. But that probability is still ways smaller than anything I would consider remotely relevant to reality. So turning like a 0.00000000000000000000000001 probability into 'maybe there is some truth to it' is a bit disingenuous and how people end up full-heartedly believing the earth is flat.
Your argument is based on a false analogy and not about the validity of QAnon's claims.
Your argument is based on a false analogy and not about the validity of QAnon's claims.
Anyone can provide their own hot take in a thread because it's a chan conspiracy, so yes, again, some of the threads/info have made valid claims specifically linking her to Jeffrey Epstein but _not_ the pedo ring. I'm not sure what's being argued here.
Anyone can provide their own hot take in a thread because it's a chan conspiracy, so yes, again, some of the threads/info have made valid claims specifically linking her to Jeffrey Epstein but _not_ the pedo ring. I'm not sure what's being argued here.
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.