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A space for sharing and discussing news related to global current events, technology, and society.
69471 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
Social sites collaborating on their effort to ban Alex Jones is disgusting. The terms of service argument is bullshit when they act in concert. I don’t want a big club of developer folk deciding what content I see. Google is now helping China create censored search engine, what else are they up to? This is a sad day for the Internet
Social sites collaborating on their effort to ban Alex Jones is disgusting. The terms of service argument is bullshit when they act in concert. I don’t want a big club of developer folk deciding what content I see. Google is now helping China create censored search engine, what else are they up to? This is a sad day for the Internet
Honestly though, Alex Jones is the least of our worries. Tech bros have been deciding what content we see and don’t see for a long time. But I’m for whatever it is that gets ppl to use fb, twitter, google less.
Honestly though, Alex Jones is the least of our worries. Tech bros have been deciding what content we see and don’t see for a long time. But I’m for whatever it is that gets ppl to use fb, twitter, google less.
[@slava](/user/profile/slava) yea I’ve seen smaller conspiracy type people taken down by YouTube, and noticed Google shifting their search results around.. all “walls” and “feeds” are prioritized now, rather than chronological.. allot of political pressure, but Alex Jones thing was such an obvious insider ‘s club sort of move way they collaborated, I can only imagine what else goes on! But yea we also have option of leaving
[@slava](/user/profile/slava) yea I’ve seen smaller conspiracy type people taken down by YouTube, and noticed Google shifting their search results around.. all “walls” and “feeds” are prioritized now, rather than chronological.. allot of political pressure, but Alex Jones thing was such an obvious insider ‘s club sort of move way they collaborated, I can only imagine what else goes on! But yea we also have option of leaving
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