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Bringing context and critique to the cultural moment. Deep dives, reviews, and debate encouraged.
40736 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
Back to Earth artist Tai Shani discusses the research behind the project, Untitled Hieroglyphs with Serpentine’s Curator of General Ecology, Lucia Pietroiusti. “Eros for example in the most generous definition is spiritual – it’s a love that goes beyond the self, or a love that allows for wonder and for immersion and for all these kinds of states. So that’s exactly it: it’s a false dichotomy, one that is perhaps necessary, because spirituality has been historically and traditionally so tightly ideologically packaged and reproduced – but I don’t think it has to be totalising or final. I wrote this phrase into one of the talks I gave recently that I’m ‘brimming with unassigned faith’. And I think maybe that’s all it is – maybe it has to remain unassigned.”
Back to Earth artist Tai Shani discusses the research behind the project, Untitled Hieroglyphs with Serpentine’s Curator of General Ecology, Lucia Pietroiusti. “Eros for example in the most generous definition is spiritual – it’s a love that goes beyond the self, or a love that allows for wonder and for immersion and for all these kinds of states. So that’s exactly it: it’s a false dichotomy, one that is perhaps necessary, because spirituality has been historically and traditionally so tightly ideologically packaged and reproduced – but I don’t think it has to be totalising or final. I wrote this phrase into one of the talks I gave recently that I’m ‘brimming with unassigned faith’. And I think maybe that’s all it is – maybe it has to remain unassigned.”
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