Bringing context and critique to the cultural moment. Deep dives, reviews, and debate encouraged.
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
Bringing context and critique to the cultural moment. Deep dives, reviews, and debate encouraged.
40681 Members
We'll be adding more communities soon!
© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
[]( A review which questions the intended audience and intended function of Netflix’s Hillbilly Elegy. “Reader, I cannot tell you anything about the holler aunt. Like the mythical Sasquatch, she eludes me. On the subject of Hillbilly Elegy itself, however, I have much more to say — and none of it is positive. ...Elegy isn’t meant for the people of Appalachia, or the Ozarks, or the Rust Belt. No hillbilly film is ever made for the people it depicts. They’re intended for people with power and security, people who want to believe that money is the same thing as integrity or intelligence and that, conversely, an absence of money indicates something about a person’s character. Viewers want to look at the hillbilly and reassure themselves they are not that.”
[]( A review which questions the intended audience and intended function of Netflix’s Hillbilly Elegy. “Reader, I cannot tell you anything about the holler aunt. Like the mythical Sasquatch, she eludes me. On the subject of Hillbilly Elegy itself, however, I have much more to say — and none of it is positive. ...Elegy isn’t meant for the people of Appalachia, or the Ozarks, or the Rust Belt. No hillbilly film is ever made for the people it depicts. They’re intended for people with power and security, people who want to believe that money is the same thing as integrity or intelligence and that, conversely, an absence of money indicates something about a person’s character. Viewers want to look at the hillbilly and reassure themselves they are not that.”
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.