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Bringing context and critique to the cultural moment. Deep dives, reviews, and debate encouraged.
40681 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
“At Vogue, when we’d evaluate a shoot or a look, we’d say ‘That’s Vogue,’ or, ‘That’s not Vogue,’ and what that really meant was ‘thin, rich and white.’ How do you work in that environment?”
“At Vogue, when we’d evaluate a shoot or a look, we’d say ‘That’s Vogue,’ or, ‘That’s not Vogue,’ and what that really meant was ‘thin, rich and white.’ How do you work in that environment?”
This needs to be said over and over and over until she is completely removed from the industry - which unfortunately probably won’t happen anytime soon. I hope she and everyone else who promotes such a narrow standard continues to be called out. It’s plainly obvious she’s trying to fix years of institutionalized sexism and racism, but the biggest fix would be getting her (and every other enabler) out of the industry.
This needs to be said over and over and over until she is completely removed from the industry - which unfortunately probably won’t happen anytime soon. I hope she and everyone else who promotes such a narrow standard continues to be called out. It’s plainly obvious she’s trying to fix years of institutionalized sexism and racism, but the biggest fix would be getting her (and every other enabler) out of the industry.
[@taylore](/user/profile/taylore) This was not fun to grow up with as an Asian-American. Heavy emphasis on western ideals of beauty, even on Asian models and stars. It's strange to look in the mirror and feel like you don't even look like the public figures of your own race. Worse when you consider how hesitant Hollywood still is in casting Asian male stars; they still tend to heavily lean upon mixed-race actors (nothing against them; it's just sad to have few Asian male figures that aren't typecast in the usual roles).
[@taylore](/user/profile/taylore) This was not fun to grow up with as an Asian-American. Heavy emphasis on western ideals of beauty, even on Asian models and stars. It's strange to look in the mirror and feel like you don't even look like the public figures of your own race. Worse when you consider how hesitant Hollywood still is in casting Asian male stars; they still tend to heavily lean upon mixed-race actors (nothing against them; it's just sad to have few Asian male figures that aren't typecast in the usual roles).
>"Vogue’s September issue celebrated Black culture and contributors. But some employees say the magazine’s powerful editor fostered a workplace that sidelined women of color."
>"Vogue’s September issue celebrated Black culture and contributors. But some employees say the magazine’s powerful editor fostered a workplace that sidelined women of color."
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.