A space for introductions, questions, and updates from the Relevant Team New to Relevant? Check out [this guide](https://relevant.community/general/post/5f442f65800055001716f84f).
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A space for introductions, questions, and updates from the Relevant Team New to Relevant? Check out [this guide](https://relevant.community/general/post/5f442f65800055001716f84f).
28772 Members
We'll be adding more communities soon!
© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
Why is there no gaming channel? And why is it that I posted a relevant gaming related article in [#culture](/general/new/culture) and it received 60 downvotes. Pretty lame imo. Is this a sign that gaming related news isnt welcome on Relevant?
Why is there no gaming channel? And why is it that I posted a relevant gaming related article in [#culture](/general/new/culture) and it received 60 downvotes. Pretty lame imo. Is this a sign that gaming related news isnt welcome on Relevant?
Yeah there are more section that we can include like traveling and music
Yeah there are more section that we can include like traveling and music
Music is also nice thought. I posted life history of Michael jackson and got downvotes😔
Music is also nice thought. I posted life history of Michael jackson and got downvotes😔
I believe Admin will respond to that especially for the interest of game lovers.
I believe Admin will respond to that especially for the interest of game lovers.
There will be more communities coming on line in the future. Gaming would be a good one IMO.
There will be more communities coming on line in the future. Gaming would be a good one IMO.
In the future anyone will be able to start their own community on Relevant, including one for gaming! Articles about new movies, videogames, and celebrities tend to get downvoted on the culture feed. If the information is not a critical interpretation of culture (i.e. looking at it's greater relationship to society), then as an admin, I would downvote it. In the past, articles like this on gaming have been very successful [https://www.outsideonline.com/2403017/video-games-outdoors-addiction-rehab](https://www.outsideonline.com/2403017/video-games-outdoors-addiction-rehab)
In the future anyone will be able to start their own community on Relevant, including one for gaming! Articles about new movies, videogames, and celebrities tend to get downvoted on the culture feed. If the information is not a critical interpretation of culture (i.e. looking at it's greater relationship to society), then as an admin, I would downvote it. In the past, articles like this on gaming have been very successful [https://www.outsideonline.com/2403017/video-games-outdoors-addiction-rehab](https://www.outsideonline.com/2403017/video-games-outdoors-addiction-rehab)
Thank for information
Thank for information
Gaming is a good potential candidate for a new community! We'll work on this.
Gaming is a good potential candidate for a new community! We'll work on this.
No that's not true i think. You can post any type of material in news feed whoose category is not available but remember to post only relevant not spam
No that's not true i think. You can post any type of material in news feed whoose category is not available but remember to post only relevant not spam
I think many people’s give downvotes without any reasons
I think many people’s give downvotes without any reasons
Would it be a sub in culture or its own entity tied in with...say sports. There will be some who want a sports channel too :)
Would it be a sub in culture or its own entity tied in with...say sports. There will be some who want a sports channel too :)
I want to see the game channel too.I will create a PUBG Mobile guide soon.
I want to see the game channel too.I will create a PUBG Mobile guide soon.
I'ld love to see a vote channel, where a user can start a post on a new channel and then the community will decide whether the channel should be created or not based on the number of votes it gathers
I'ld love to see a vote channel, where a user can start a post on a new channel and then the community will decide whether the channel should be created or not based on the number of votes it gathers
A Gaming community is a good idea. Thanks for bringing this up! Don't take downvotes too personally, if someone downvotes an article you post, it doesn't impact your account negatively.
A Gaming community is a good idea. Thanks for bringing this up! Don't take downvotes too personally, if someone downvotes an article you post, it doesn't impact your account negatively.
Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.
Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.