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Top news from the gaming industry. **Rules:** 1. No news roundups, promotions or offers 2. No off-topic or low-effort content or comments 3. No illegal content or inflammatory language 4. No reposts
7996 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
>"Video game studios are risky ventures, as the new book Press Reset explores—and the outing between an opinionated baseball star and Rhode Island’s smartest politicians remains the stuff of legends."
>"Video game studios are risky ventures, as the new book Press Reset explores—and the outing between an opinionated baseball star and Rhode Island’s smartest politicians remains the stuff of legends."
Why do so many people have the story mixed up? It wasn't reckoning that killed 38 studios, and almost an entire state, it was the mmo they were making, project copernicus. Reckoning was an unrelated rpg being made by an independent dev before both the game and dev got bought by 38, and the amalur setting retrofitted onto it. What do you think??
Why do so many people have the story mixed up? It wasn't reckoning that killed 38 studios, and almost an entire state, it was the mmo they were making, project copernicus. Reckoning was an unrelated rpg being made by an independent dev before both the game and dev got bought by 38, and the amalur setting retrofitted onto it. What do you think??
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.