Top news from the gaming industry. **Rules:** 1. No news roundups, promotions or offers 2. No off-topic or low-effort content or comments 3. No illegal content or inflammatory language 4. No reposts
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Top news from the gaming industry. **Rules:** 1. No news roundups, promotions or offers 2. No off-topic or low-effort content or comments 3. No illegal content or inflammatory language 4. No reposts
7997 Members
We'll be adding more communities soon!
© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
It cannot be denied that the pandemic has ruined our plans in 2020. Some of the outdoor events that we’ve always dreamt to attend have been cancelled as the government encouraged us to remain indoors. Gone are those days when we can flood stadiums to watch the latest Super Bowl or Wrestlemania event or those times when we lined up to watch the latest movie release
It cannot be denied that the pandemic has ruined our plans in 2020. Some of the outdoor events that we’ve always dreamt to attend have been cancelled as the government encouraged us to remain indoors. Gone are those days when we can flood stadiums to watch the latest Super Bowl or Wrestlemania event or those times when we lined up to watch the latest movie release
It cannot be denied that the pandemic has ruined our plans in 2020. Some of the outdoor events that we’ve always dreamt to attend have been cancelled as the government encouraged us to remain indoors. Gone are those days when we can flood stadiums to watch the latest Super Bowl or Wrestlemania event or those times when we lined up to watch the latest movie release.
It cannot be denied that the pandemic has ruined our plans in 2020. Some of the outdoor events that we’ve always dreamt to attend have been cancelled as the government encouraged us to remain indoors. Gone are those days when we can flood stadiums to watch the latest Super Bowl or Wrestlemania event or those times when we lined up to watch the latest movie release.
Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.
Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.