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Top news from the gaming industry. **Rules:** 1. No news roundups, promotions or offers 2. No off-topic or low-effort content or comments 3. No illegal content or inflammatory language 4. No reposts
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I would have had much better grades if Minecraft was part of the curriculum. “In one lesson, students are asked to explore a beehive, where they learn about bee castes by helping out worker bees and feeding larvae. In another, they’re given time to explore a shipwreck at the bottom of the ocean, and then asked to write a story about how the ship ended up there. There are also build challenges where teams have to work together to recreate things like a Mars rover, coral reef, or a human eye. In most cases, there are before and after elements: kids will read or watch videos on a particular subject as a primer, spend some time in the Minecraft lesson (either individually or in groups), and then follow that up with a discussion or written assignment.”
I would have had much better grades if Minecraft was part of the curriculum. “In one lesson, students are asked to explore a beehive, where they learn about bee castes by helping out worker bees and feeding larvae. In another, they’re given time to explore a shipwreck at the bottom of the ocean, and then asked to write a story about how the ship ended up there. There are also build challenges where teams have to work together to recreate things like a Mars rover, coral reef, or a human eye. In most cases, there are before and after elements: kids will read or watch videos on a particular subject as a primer, spend some time in the Minecraft lesson (either individually or in groups), and then follow that up with a discussion or written assignment.”
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.