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Top news from the gaming industry. **Rules:** 1. No news roundups, promotions or offers 2. No off-topic or low-effort content or comments 3. No illegal content or inflammatory language 4. No reposts
7997 Members
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For a lot of PlayStation fans in India, the launch or should we say, lack of a launch date has truly soured the promise and excitement of the next generation of consoles. As we reported earlier, Sony India has made no announcements regarding the launch of the PS5 in India and even released a social media statement stating the same and asking fans to be patient. But as a new report from the Mako Reactor states, we could be seeing the launch of the PS5 in India, sometime in January.
For a lot of PlayStation fans in India, the launch or should we say, lack of a launch date has truly soured the promise and excitement of the next generation of consoles. As we reported earlier, Sony India has made no announcements regarding the launch of the PS5 in India and even released a social media statement stating the same and asking fans to be patient. But as a new report from the Mako Reactor states, we could be seeing the launch of the PS5 in India, sometime in January.
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