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Top news from the gaming industry. **Rules:** 1. No news roundups, promotions or offers 2. No off-topic or low-effort content or comments 3. No illegal content or inflammatory language 4. No reposts
7997 Members
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"Some studies have indeed found that, in lab settings, people can become more aggressive after playing violent games. Some have also found that people who play violent games are more likely to commit violent acts in real life."
"Some studies have indeed found that, in lab settings, people can become more aggressive after playing violent games. Some have also found that people who play violent games are more likely to commit violent acts in real life."
This is super old (2014) I’m sure there are some updated articles related to violence and video games that reference more recent research
This is super old (2014) I’m sure there are some updated articles related to violence and video games that reference more recent research
Exactly. Recent research says completely opposite. Violent video games actually decrease violence because it acts as a stress reliever, similar to how hitting a punching bag does not make you more likely to go out and punch people. There has been actual studies done on this, and our lovely media completely ignores it, because video games are the devil.
Exactly. Recent research says completely opposite. Violent video games actually decrease violence because it acts as a stress reliever, similar to how hitting a punching bag does not make you more likely to go out and punch people. There has been actual studies done on this, and our lovely media completely ignores it, because video games are the devil.
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Some low-ranking comments may have been hidden.