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A focused study group for the discussion of economics and economic policy.
32049 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
View: Indian economy and new beginnings [https://m.economictimes.com/news/economy/policy/view-indian-economy-and-new-beginnings/articleshow/77502880.cms](https://m.economictimes.com/news/economy/policy/view-indian-economy-and-new-beginnings/articleshow/77502880.cms)
View: Indian economy and new beginnings [https://m.economictimes.com/news/economy/policy/view-indian-economy-and-new-beginnings/articleshow/77502880.cms](https://m.economictimes.com/news/economy/policy/view-indian-economy-and-new-beginnings/articleshow/77502880.cms)
As India gears up to celebrate Independence Day this year, albeit in a more restricted manner, the future of the economy remains a question mark. Years after making huge strides in economic growth and development, the Covid crisis has pushed the economy several years back. While our neighbour China’s economy is rebounding, the mounting cases in India and re-imposition of local lockdowns continue to block sustained economic recovery. However, as much as we are wont to compare the two countries, it would be unfair to do so. Both are at different stages of the pandemic, have different demographic characteristics and have vastly different sociopolitical systems in place. It is for this very reason that comparisons between both economies need to ends as well.
As India gears up to celebrate Independence Day this year, albeit in a more restricted manner, the future of the economy remains a question mark. Years after making huge strides in economic growth and development, the Covid crisis has pushed the economy several years back. While our neighbour China’s economy is rebounding, the mounting cases in India and re-imposition of local lockdowns continue to block sustained economic recovery. However, as much as we are wont to compare the two countries, it would be unfair to do so. Both are at different stages of the pandemic, have different demographic characteristics and have vastly different sociopolitical systems in place. It is for this very reason that comparisons between both economies need to ends as well.
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