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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
A focused study group for the discussion of economics and economic policy.
32049 Members
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© 2020 Relevant Protocols Inc.
The stock market has remained in a volatile fluctuation for companies, and obviously the stimulus packages worldwide have been keeping the facade running. What facade? The facade that is the FIAT market. As of now with our debt-based lending, our inflation rates are going to be very important to watch worldwide.
The stock market has remained in a volatile fluctuation for companies, and obviously the stimulus packages worldwide have been keeping the facade running. What facade? The facade that is the FIAT market. As of now with our debt-based lending, our inflation rates are going to be very important to watch worldwide.
By analyzing data from FRED - We note the Federal Reserves balance sheet has grown from 4.1T (Mar 2020) to over 7T (Jun 2020) The Feds response to the global COVID-19 pandemic has put them in full damage control with extensive Quantitative Easing "QE" to spare the markets at all costs. We can see the divergence in XAU/USD (Gold) and its correlation to the US Equities markets -These are very telling times that smart money is finding haven in precious metals and commodities prior to Q2 GPD release. The Feds commitment to purchasing corporate debt will have lasting effects on the bond markets in the years to come.
By analyzing data from FRED - We note the Federal Reserves balance sheet has grown from 4.1T (Mar 2020) to over 7T (Jun 2020) The Feds response to the global COVID-19 pandemic has put them in full damage control with extensive Quantitative Easing "QE" to spare the markets at all costs. We can see the divergence in XAU/USD (Gold) and its correlation to the US Equities markets -These are very telling times that smart money is finding haven in precious metals and commodities prior to Q2 GPD release. The Feds commitment to purchasing corporate debt will have lasting effects on the bond markets in the years to come.
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