2021 has been a year of extreme weather,but one country fought back:In June 2021, the UAE used drones to create artificial rain to battle an intense heatwave, and it worked!. But will this new technology help us fight the disastrous effects of climate change? Or is there a sting in its tail?
2021 has been a year of extreme weather,but one country fought back:In June 2021, the UAE used drones to create artificial rain to battle an intense heatwave, and it worked!. But will this new technology help us fight the disastrous effects of climate change? Or is there a sting in its tail?
So, cloud seeding, a climate saviour, or nightmare? "Well, in extreme circumstances like UAE’s heatwave, we can justify using it. With such an immediate and dramatic threat to human life, even if seeding caused a deadly storm, less life would be lost by using it. But regular casual use is very uncertain. It could be absolutely fine, or it could cause weather catastrophes. But as there is no weather bread crumb trail to lead us to the guilty party, it could be tempting for governments to overuse such a potentially problematic technology. So while it is okay for its occasional use, we need to ensure no one gets to abuse this powerful technology."
So, cloud seeding, a climate saviour, or nightmare? "Well, in extreme circumstances like UAE’s heatwave, we can justify using it. With such an immediate and dramatic threat to human life, even if seeding caused a deadly storm, less life would be lost by using it. But regular casual use is very uncertain. It could be absolutely fine, or it could cause weather catastrophes. But as there is no weather bread crumb trail to lead us to the guilty party, it could be tempting for governments to overuse such a potentially problematic technology. So while it is okay for its occasional use, we need to ensure no one gets to abuse this powerful technology."
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